Medium undead- Challenge
- −5
- 2
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 3
- Fort
- +0
- Ref
- −1
- Will
- +3
Detect Life. The banshee can magically sense the presence of living creatures up to 10 kilometers away. It knows the general direction they’re in but not their exact locations.
Incorporeal Movement. The banshee can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
Spellcasting. The banshee uses Divinity (cha) to cast spells (spell save Difficulty 13, +4 to hit with spell attacks). It has 8 mana, a mana limit of 2, regains all expended mana when it finishes a long rest, and regains half its total mana when it finishes a short rest. It knows the following spells:
1 mana: absorb spirit, enfeeble, false life, fear, life drain, piercing screech
2 mana: nightmare, terrifying visage, wall of terror
Actions (1)
Corrupting Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit. Hit: 12 (3d6 + 2) necrotic damage.
Wail (1/long rest). The banshee releases a mournful wail, provided that she isn’t in sunlight. This wail has no effect on constructs and undead. All other creatures within 5 meters of her that can hear her must make a Difficulty 13 Fortitude saving throw. On a failure, a creature drops to 0 health. On a success, a creature takes 10 (3d6) psychic damage.
As a reaction, which you use when a creature within 5 meters of you dies, you can absorb its spirit. You gain 1d10 + your spellcasting ability temporary health.
You gain 1d10 additional temporary health for each additional mana expended.
concentration, 1 minute/mana
As an action, a black beam of enervating energy springs from your finger toward a creature within 10 meters. The creature must make a Fortitude saving throw.
On a failure, it takes 3d10 necrotic damage and deals only half damage with weapon attacks for the duration.
On a critical failure, it takes twice as much damage.
On a success, it takes half as much damage.
On a critical success, it takes no damage.
The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
You can increase the damage by 4d10 for each additional mana expended.
1 hour/mana
As an action, you bolster yourself with a necromantic facsimile of life. You gain 2d6 + your spellcasting ability temporary health for the duration.
You gain 2d6 additional temporary health for each additional mana expended.
concentration, 1 minute/mana
As an action, you attempt to awaken the worst fears in a creature that is not a construct or an undead that you can touch or see within 10 meters. The creature must succeed on a Will saving throw or become frightened of you for the duration.
While frightened by this spell, the creature must move as far as its speed allows away from you by the safest available route at the start of each of its turns, unless there is nowhere to move. If the creature ends its turn in a location where it doesn’t have line of sight to you, the creature can can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.
You can target two additional creatures for each additional mana expended. The creatures must be within 5 meters of each other when you target them.
As an action, you siphon life force from a creature that you can touch or see within 10 meters to heal your wounds. The creature must make a Fortitude saving throw. If the creature is a construct or an undead, the spell has no effect on it.
On a failure, it takes 3d8 necrotic damage.
On a critical failure, it takes twice as much damage.
On a success, it takes half as much damage.
On a critical success, it takes no damage.
You regain health equal to half the amount of necrotic damage dealt.
You can increase the damage by 3d8 for each additional mana expended.
concentration, 1 minute/mana
As an action, you let loose a magically amplified scream audible out to 100 meters that is loud and shrill enough to stop foes in their tracks. Each creature other than you in a sphere centered on you must make a Fortitude saving throw.
On a failure, it takes 1d8 psychic damage and is staggered for the duration.
On a critical failure, it takes twice as much damage.
On a success, it takes half as much damage.
On a critical success, it takes no damage.
A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
You can increase the damage by 1d4 for each additional mana expended.
3 hours/mana
As you spend 1 minute to cast this spell, you shape the dreams of a creature known to you. You, or a willing creature you touch, enters a trance state, acting as a messenger.
While in the trance, the messenger is aware of its surroundings, but is immobilized and incapacitated. The creature must make a Fortitude saving throw, which it does with disadvantage if if you have a body part, lock of hair, clipping from a nail, or similar portion of the creature’s body. If the creature isn’t on the same plane of existence as you, isn’t asleep, or doesn’t sleep, the spell has no effect on it.
On a failure, it takes 3d6 psychic damage and is echoes of the phantasmal monstrosity spawn a nightmare that lasts the duration of the target’s sleep and prevents the target from gaining any benefit from that rest.
On a critical failure, it takes twice as much damage.
On a success, it takes half as much damage.
On a critical success, it takes no damage.
concentration, 1 minute/mana
As two actions, you tap into the nightmares of a creature that you can touch or see within 20 meters, causing it to see manifestations of its deepest fears in a direction you choose for the duration, visible only to that creature. At the start of each of its turns for the duration, the creature must make a Will saving throw.
On a failure, it takes 4d12 psychic damage and is frightened of the manifestations until the start of its next turn.
On a critical failure, it takes twice as much damage.
On a success, it takes half as much damage and and the effect ends.
On a critical success, it takes no damage and the effect ends.
You can increase the damage by 2d12 for each additional mana expended. If this spell is augmented to target additional creatures, this damage is halved.
You can target one additional creature for each additional mana expended. The creatures must be within 5 meters of each other when you target them.
Visions of Horror. You can expend 1 additional mana to cast the spell as a reaction, which you use when a creature makes an attack against you.
The damage is reduced to 2d12 and additional augments to the damage increase the damage by 1d12 for each additional mana expended, instead of the normal increase.
concentration, 5 minute/mana
As two actions, you create an invisible, insubstantial, wall of energy twice as big as normal at a point you can see within 20 meters. The wall can’t occupy the same space as a creature or object and doesn’t need to be vertical or rest on any firm foundation. A creature attempting to move through the wall, willingly or unwillingly, must make a Will saving throw. If the creature is immune to being frightened, the spell has no effect on it.
On a failure, the creature can’t overcome its terror and can’t move through the wall.
On a success, the creature can pass through the wall.