M (diamond worth 500 sp, consumed)

As you spend 1 hour to cast this spell, you touch a creature that has been dead for no longer than 10 days, that didn’t die of old age, and that isn’t undead. If its soul is free and willing, the creature is restored to life with 1 health.

This spell closes all wounds, but it doesn’t restore missing body parts, neutralizes any poison, and cures nonmagical diseases afflicting the creature when it died. It doesn’t, however, remove magical diseases, curses, and the like; if such effects aren’t removed prior to casting the spell, they afflict the target on its return to life. If the creature is lacking body parts or organs integral for its survival—its head, for instance—the spell automatically fails.

Coming back from the dead is an ordeal. The target takes a −4 penalty on skill checks and saving throws. Every time the target finishes a long rest, the penalty is reduced by 1 until it disappears.

Casting this spell to restore life to a creature that has been dead for one year or longer taxes you greatly. Until you finish a long rest, you can’t cast spells again, and you have disadvantage on skill checks and saving throws.

You can augment this spell with the following options, expending mana for each option.
  • You can expend 1 additional mana and the diamond must be worth 1,000 sp so the creature must have been dead for no longer than 100 years. It is restored to life with all its health and any missing body parts are restored.

  • True Resurrection. You can expend 2 additional mana and the diamond must be worth 25,000 sp so the creature must have been dead for no longer than 200 years. The spell can target an undead creature, which is restored to its non-undead form. The spell can cure magical diseases and curses. The spell can even provide a new body if the original no longer exists, in which case you must speak the creature’s name. The creature then appears in an unoccupied space you choose within 2 meters of you and does not suffer any penalty on skill checks or saving throws from coming back from the dead.