As two actions, choose a creature, object, or magical effect within 20 meters. Make a Divinity or Occult check. The Difficulty typically equals the spell Difficulty used to cast the curse spell + the mana used to cast the curse spell or a flat Difficulty. If there are multiple curses and if you have not identified them, the curse is chosen at random starting with the least powerful curse.

On a success, if the curse specifies that it is lifted by this spell, the curse ends.

If you fail by 4 or less and the curse specifies that it is lifted by this spell, the curse is suppressed for 1 minute.

On a success, if the curse does not specify that it is lifted by this spell, you learn about the curse. The more information you already have about the thing, the more precise and detailed the information you receive is.

The information you learn is accurate, but might be couched in figurative language. For example, if you have a mysterious magic axe on hand, the spell might yield this information: “Woe to the evildoer whose hand touches the axe, for even the haft slices the hand of the evil ones. Only a true Child of Stone, lover and beloved of Moradin, may awaken the true powers of the axe, and only with the sacred word Rudnogg on the lips.”


You gain a +1 bonus to your skill check for each additional mana expended.