As two actions, you blast the mind of a creature that you can touch or see within 20 meters, shattering its intellect and personality. The creature must make a Will saving throw. If the creature has no moisture in its body, the spell has no effect on it.

On a failure, it takes 6d6 psychic damage and the creature’s Intelligence and Charisma become −5. The creature can’t cast spells, activate magic items, understand language, or communicate in any intelligible way. The creature can, however, identify its friends, follow them, and even protect them.

On a critical failure, it takes twice as much damage.

On a success, it takes half as much damage.

On a critical success, it takes no damage.

After 30 days, the creature can repeat its saving throw against this spell. If it succeeds on its saving throw, the spell ends.

The spell can also be ended by a restoration spell augmented to 4 mana or miracle or wish.